非裔美国男性在各个领域都很努力,比如音乐,娱乐和体育,但非裔美国男性不会成为职业篮球运动员或下一个伟大的电影明星。非裔美国男性(AAM)的教育发展早在幼儿园就出现了重大争议。为了达到他们的目标,教育必须被补充。根据Dwyer(2011)的数据,“只有50%的非裔美国男性高中毕业。成就危机的原因是,学校必须在教授学术内容的同时,解决无数的问题,如贫困、卫生保健、学生无家可归和社区暴力,而这些问题都没有足够的资源。黑人男孩必须在三年级之前好好学习阅读,而三年级之后学校通常就不再教授识字的基本知识了。一个由截然不同的黑人教育者组成的联盟揭露了“国家的公立学校系统正在放弃黑人男性学生,并让他们走向失败”。此外,被全国教育协会(2011),“百分之四十二的黑人学生进入学校资源不足和表现不佳,百分之二十八的核心学术教师high-minority学校缺乏适当的认证,只有不到一半的黑人男性学生从高中毕业,尽管许多最终完成期间,2008年,460万年,黑人男性参加了学院,但只有一半毕业。在全国范围内,只有11%的黑人男性完成了学士学位。一些民权活动人士批评说,黑人父母有责任为他们的儿子没有做好成为有生产力的公民的准备,以及同意教育学校系统在培养他们的孩子(Cottman, 2010)。“这些孩子生活贫困和犯罪的可能性要高出5倍,辍学的可能性要高出9倍,入狱的可能性要高出20倍。

澳洲社会学代写 非裔教育

African American males strive in various fields of distinction, such as music, entertainment, and sports but not African American males will not be that professional basketball player or the next great movie star. African American males (AAM) have encountered major disputes in their educational development reflecting back as early as kindergarten(Kincaid, E. & Yin, J., 2011) . Being obligated to another plan in order to reach their goals, education must be supplemented (Mosley, 2009). According to Dwyer (2011), “only fifty percent of African American males graduate from high school. Reasons for the achievement crisis is that schools have to teach academic content while simultaneously addressing a myriad of issues such as poverty, health care, student homelessness, and neighborhood violence, in which all are without adequate resources. Black boys have to learn to read well before third grade in which afterwards the schools generally stop teaching the nuts and bolts of literacy”. An alliance of distinct black educators discloses “the nation’s public school system is giving up on black male students and setting them up to fail” (Cottman, 2010). Additionally, recognized by National Education Association (2011), “forty-two percent of Black students attend schools that are under-resourced and performing poorly, twenty-eight percent of core academic teachers at high-minority schools lack appropriate certification, less than half of Black male students graduate from high school on time, although many eventually complete a GED, and in 2008, 4.6 million Black males had attended college, but only half graduated. Nationally, only 11 percent of Black males complete a bachelor’s degree.”Some civil rights activists have critically held black parents responsible for not preparing their sons to be productive citizens, as well as consenting to the educational school systems in the nurturing of their children (Cottman, 2010). “Such children are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school, and twenty times more likely to end up in prison”.

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