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Essay代写 Essay代写高频易错用词:Comprise 不正确的用法:My daughter’s play was comprised of three acts. 正确的用法:My daughter’s play comprised three acts. “comprise”的意思是“to consist of”。所以,在其使用中完全没有必要使用“of”。一旦你在脑海中确定了预期的定义,你就会被大量诋毁“comprise”美誉的文章所震撼。
澳洲作业用错词:Assure,insure,and ensure 不正确用法: I assured that his taxi would arrive at 5:00AM. After she insured him of her good intentions,George felt more inclined to trust Susie with his hamster. After the hamster burned down Susie’s house,her Allstate agent informed her that she wasn’t ensured against rodent-related arson. 正确用法: I ensured the taxi would arrive at 5:00AM. After she assured him of her good intentions,George felt more inclined to trust Susie with his hamster. After the hamster burned down Susie’s house,her Allstate agent informed her that she wasn’t insured against rodent-related arson. 这个单词似乎在语法世界中引起了相当多的骚动! assure给有怀疑的一方以肯定或乐观的态度,保证他们的担心是不必要的。 insure是为了保证与个人财产相关的财务风险和损失。 ensure是有意地确定某事会或不会发生。
澳洲作业用错词:Bombastic 不正确用法:Gerald’s angry tendencies often turned into bombastic fits of rage. 正确用法:Jane and I both agreed that the senator’s bombastic speech wasn’t going to prove conducive to any actual change. 有一种巨大的倾向,认为bombastic中的“bomb”类似于hot-tempered。Bombastic,作为形容词,对于描述一个人的气质无用。 相反,bombastic是一个形容词,用来形容那些使用复杂、花哨的语言,只是为了给别人留下深刻印象的人。
澳洲作业用错词:Decimate 不正确用法:The fire decimated the forest,leaving nothing but ash in its wake. 正确用法:As I strolled through the rose garden,I overheard the gardener cursing the hungry deer who decimated his plot. 传统的,也许已经过时的,对decimate的定义是“kill one in every ten”。事实上,“Decimation”最初是由罗马军队作为一种惩罚方式实行的!然而,更为普遍接受的是,抽取的现代定义涉及广泛的破坏。重要的是要认识到,无论“Decimation”的意思,都不允许绝对的、彻底的毁灭。
澳洲作业用错词:Inflammable 不正确用法:Helium is an example of an inflammable gas. 正确用法:It is unwise to smoke near filling stations,as gasoline is highly inflammable. 易燃易爆的难题似乎到处都是作家在晕头转向。希望,这个简短的解释将结束什么必须是可怕的头皮屑!易燃物实际上是易燃物的同义词,意思是两个词的定义都描述易燃物。当形容词可燃物最初开始使用时,前缀似乎让人们感到困惑,他们认为这意味着“不能燃烧”。
澳洲作业用错词:Irregardless 不正确用法:any written context. 正确用法:any spoken context,at your discretion. Irregardless,though technically a word,is regarded as part of a“nonstandard”dialect.Linguists will tell you that such a designation permits the use of irregardless in conversation,though the substitutes regardless or irrespective will help you stay much classier in the long run.If you’re keen on irregardless and want to join the“Irregardless Posse,”you’d best come correct and read Gabe Doyle’s article on the history and usage of irregardless. Irregardless技术上是个词,但不管怎样,它被认为是“非标准”方言的一部分。语言学家会告诉你,这样的指定允许在对话中使用“无关紧要”,尽管从长远来看,替换词无论如何都会帮助你保持优雅。
澳洲作业用错词:Noisome 不正确用法:The house party next door grew to be quite noisome as the night progressed. 正确用法:The motorists were unaware that their vehicle had begun to spew noisome black smoke from its tailpipe. 噪音与分贝、低音或任何类型的噪音无关。相反,恶心的东西描述了一种难以想象的可怕气味。当一个人的行为粗鲁、不受限制或缺乏道德判断时,你也可以用丑闻的意义上的噪音。 欢迎选择ExcellentDue 代写服务,我们出品,必属精品!欢迎联系网站客服提交代写要求。