拉丁美洲的腐败,特别是厄瓜多尔的腐败,是一个结构性问题,它超出了政党或商人资助竞选活动的范围;这已成为一个根深蒂固的文化特征问题。教育水平低、社会资本薄弱和选举参与程度低是哥伦比亚的共同特点。在厄瓜多尔,最常见的腐败形式是贿赂、裙带关系和任人唯亲,以加快流程或获得合同。例如,2009年6月,媒体报道称,与商人法布里西奥•科雷亚(总统的兄弟)有关联的公司在科雷亚执政期间签署了大量公共部门合同。另一个例子是,根据2012年CPI(透明国际),委内瑞拉是拉丁美洲最腐败的国家;腐败的一些原因是缺乏有效的战略来打击腐败和新闻自由。在委内瑞拉,超过30家广播电台、电视频道和报纸受到政府的骚扰和威胁,这为腐败创造了机会。哥伦比亚的情况略有不同,尽管它是对记者来说最不安全的国家之一;这些侵略不是由政府挑起的,而是与武装冲突有关(游击队、贩毒分子和准军事组织)。此外,委内瑞拉股票两个特征与非洲国家的腐败:石油资源的管理不善,专制政府寻求通过石油外交的影响和由政府控制的石油基金引起了几个丑闻的另一个国家也遭受了类似的类型的腐败是墨西哥,(从富商回扣和贿赂,绑架平民和墨西哥的贩毒卡特尔的)。然而,(De la Torre L., 2000)的比较研究表明,虽然哥伦比亚的警察系统不一定是清廉的,但却是拉丁美洲效率最高的警察系统之一。哥伦比亚已经实施了长期战略,有更好的招聘流程、工资、培训和与毒品相关的腐败仍然局限于个别或更小的警察群体.


Corruption in Latin America specifically in the case of Ecuador is a structural problem that goes beyond political parties or businessman funding campaigns; it has become an issue deep-rooted to cultural features. Low levels of education, weak Social Capital, and low levels of participation in elections are characteristics shared with Colombia. The most common forms of corruption in Ecuador are bribes, nepotism and cronyism used to speed up processes or get contracts. As an example, In June 2009 the media reported that companies associated with businessman Fabricio Correa (the president’s brother), had signed large public-sector contracts during the Correa administration. Another example is the contraction of unqualified unnecessary or inexistent public employees in the national congress known as “Piponazgo”According to CPI 2012 edition by (TI) the most corrupt country in Latin America is Venezuela; some causes of corruption are the lack of effective strategies to fight corruption and poor freedom of the press. In Venezuela more than 30 radio stations, TV channel and newspapers have been harassed and threaten by the government which creates opportunities for corruption. This situation is slightly different in Colombia where although it’s one of the most insecure countries for journalists; the aggressions are not provoked by the government but related to the armed conflict: (guerrilla, drug traffickers and paramilitary). Additionally, Venezuela shares two characteristics of corruption with African countries: mismanagement of oil resources, authoritarian government seeking influence through oil diplomacy and control of oil funds by the Government which has caused several scandals Another country that has suffered from similar types of corruption is Mexico, (kickbacks and bribery from wealthy businessman, kidnappings of civilians and drug trafficking by the Cartels of Mexico ). However, the comparative study carried out by (De la Torre L., 2000) showed that although the Police system in Colombia is not necessarily uncorrupted is one of the most efficient in Latin America. Colombia has implemented long term strategies, there is a better recruitment process, salaries, training and drug- related corruption remains confined to individual or smaller groups of policeman Figure 4: data taken from Transparency International web site CPI results 2012