不平等的问题从一开始就存在,无论是种族、性别还是其他方面。对女人来说,一切总是来得更晚。在许多事情上,男人总是第一个有机会的,比如投票、参军,还有许多更高的职位。有了所有这些,我们今天看到了工资差距的问题,男性和女性得到的工资不平等,与相同的工作或受教育程度。人们仍然有这样一种成见:由于男性是主要的“养家糊口的人”,因此他们应该得到更多的报酬。如果男人和女人都有同样的教育、技能、工作和家庭需要养活,那么他们应该得到同样的报酬,但并不是很多人这样认为。尽管男女应该同工同酬,但有些人不同意这一点。Phillips(2017)告诉我们一个共和党人的观点,他认为现在男人和女人的工资是传统的方式,男人总是得到更多,因此,事情不应该改变(p.1)。这似乎仍然是许多人今天的观点,我们应该简单地坚持我们所知道的或已经做的,因为我们可以记住;这只是“简单的经济学”。由于人们常说男人是“家庭的‘主要经济支柱’……付给女人同样的薪水会在某种程度上破坏传统家庭的构成,因为在传统家庭中,‘母亲’呆在家里抚养孩子”(Phillips, 2017,第1页)。Sherwood(2011)指出,虽然她们可能有教育或技能,但当母亲在家照顾孩子取决于她们离开的时间长短时,“当她们回到工作岗位时,不可避免地会比留下来的同事经验少。”为了缩小差距,我们必须阻止公司在决定工资时参考经验,或者我们必须让更多的爸爸呆在家里,让更多的妈妈在孩子还小的时候继续工作。”(他们)。
澳洲商科论文代写 不平等问题
The problem of inequality has been around since the beginning of time, whether it is regarding race, gender, or something else. For women everything has always come later. Men had always had the first opportunity at so many things like in voting, the military, and for many higher position jobs. With all of this, today we see the issue of the wage gap, men and women are not getting paid equally with the same job or amount of education. There is still the stereotype that because men are the main “breadwinners” that therefore they should get paid more. If both men and women have the same amount of education and skill, job, and families to feed then they should be paid the same amount, but not many people feel that way.Though both men and women should get equal pay there are some people who disagree with that. Phillips (2017) tells us about one republican who thinks that the way men and women get paid now is the traditional way, men have always gotten more, and that due to this, things shouldn’t change (p.1). This still seems to be the view many people have today, that we should simply stick to what we know or have been doing since we could remember; it is just “simple economics”. Since it has always been said that men are the “‘primary breadwinners’ of their families…paying women equally would somehow ruin the makeup of a traditional family where ‘the Mother’ remains at home raising children” (Phillips, 2017, p.1). Though they may have the education or skill, when mothers stay home to take care of their children depending on how long they’ve been away, according to Sherwood (2011) “When they return to the workplace, they inevitably have less experience than colleagues who remained. To close the gap we’d have to stop companies from looking at experience when they determine wages, or we’d have to get more dads to stay home and more moms to keep working when kids are young”. (p.2).
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