可口可乐基金会(coca-cola foundation)也发现,支持青少年发展是明智和合乎道德的。这是通过启发他们认识到可以冒险进入的机会。该公司聘请了对年轻人生活产生积极影响的导师。辅导可以帮助年轻人改变他们对生活的看法,从而限制他们实现自己的目标和愿景。公司愿为有发展理念的青年提供资金支持。这成为消除社区贫困的一种方式通过赋予年轻人权力,失业问题减少了。公司也创造了就业机会。首先要考虑的是当地人,这样他们就可以欣赏公司在他们所在地区的存在。这也是公司对社会履行企业社会责任的又一战略。这是赋予社会权力的一种方式,该公司还关注赋予妇女权力。有一项全球运动需要在社会中赋予妇女权力,因为在过去,妇女被视为低于男子。在社会中赋予妇女权力是重要的,因为这有助于消除社会中的贫穷可口可乐公司认为,重要的是,它应该鼓励女性在能够建立自己业务的范围内,既要有创造力,又要有创新精神公司致力于确保女性参与创业活动,最终将为社区创造就业机会.


The Coca-Cola Foundation has also found it wise and ethically acceptable to support youth development. This is by enlightening them on the available opportunities they can venture in. The company uses mentors who influence the lives of the youths positively. Mentoring helps the youths to change the perspectives they may have about life which limits them from achieving their goals and visions. The company is ready to offer financial support to those youths that have development ideas. This becomes one way of eradicating poverty in the community. By empowering the youth, the issues of unemployment reduces. The company also creates employment opportunities. The first people to be considered are the locals so that they may appreciate the existence of the company in their area. This is also another strategy that the company enforces its corporate social responsibility to the society. It is one way of empowering the society (Lambooy, 2011).The company is also concerned with the empowerment of women. There has been a global campaign in need to empower women in the society because, in the past, women have been treated as inferior to men. Empowerment of women in the society is important because it helps in eradication of poverty in the society. The Coca-Cola company has seen it important that it should encourage women to be creative as well as innovative to the extent they can establish their businesses. The company is committed to ensuring that women engage in entrepreneurship activities which at the end of it all will create employment opportunities to the community around (Pradhan, and Ranjan, 2010).